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 Inspiron الفئة الجديدة من حاسبات ديل

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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Mr abdelilah mossadak
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عضو فعال
Mr abdelilah mossadak

عدد المساهمات : 924
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/09/2009

Inspiron الفئة الجديدة من حاسبات ديل Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Inspiron الفئة الجديدة من حاسبات ديل   Inspiron الفئة الجديدة من حاسبات ديل I_icon_minitimeالسبت ديسمبر 26, 2009 5:24 am

Inspiron الفئة الجديدة من حاسبات ديل Dell-Silently-Intros-the-Inspiron-17-2
قامت شركة ديل Dell بالقيام بتزويد الحاسابات الخاصة بها بالمعالجات الجديدة وهي من فئة N450 والتي ستعطي الحواسيب عمر أطول في البطارية لكن لاوجود جديد في مسألة قوة المعالج. فالمعروف سابقاً أن سرعة هذا المعالج تبلغ 1.66 جيجاهرتز وأكثر كفاءة وأكثر حفاظا على البطارية. السلسلة الجديده ستحمل تغيير بسيط في الشكل والمواصفات فالبطارية ستكون 6 خلايا وهذا يعني 9 ساعات ونصف وبجانب المعالج الجديد يمكنك .. أضافة Broadcom Crystal HD لكرت الشاشة والذي سيدعم بثّ الفيديوهات بجودة عالية الوضوح أيضا من ضمن الخيارات هنالك أربع الوان جديده و WWAN و البلوتوث و GPS ومدخل للتلفاز و 1366 في 768 للشاشة . أذا أردت هذا الجهاز فهو يبدأ من 299 دولار أمريكي ومن متوقع صدوره في بدايات يناير القادم 2010.
Inspiron الفئة الجديدة من حاسبات ديل Dell-inspiron-17-4
Europe is a few hours ahead of the US, hence why the lucky chaps on the old continent have managed to get their eyes on Dell’s long-awaited Inspiron Zino HD that has been officially announced on the company’s website in the UK & Ireland. The new Inspiron Zino HD is a mini desktop computer from Dell that will replace the sometimes sluggish, laptop-inspired Studio Hybrid. After debuting in Europe and making a brief appearance on Dell US over the weekend we’re tempted to believe that a release that in the United States is also announced for later today when people at Round Rock “wake” up. As for what’s under the hood, the 7.8″ by 7.8″ Zino HD features Athlon processors (AMD Athlon Neo X2 6850e, X2 3250e, 2850e and 2650e), should run Windows 7 or Ubuntu Linux, up to 8GB of RAM, 1TB of storage, discrete graphics (ATI’s Mobility Radeon HD 3200 or the HD4330), a DVD burner and a 20-inch ST2010 LCD. There’s also HDMI, dual eSATA, gigabit Ethernet and USB galore, just to name a few. Designed to fit just about anywhere, the sleek new Zino HD is going to be available in a choice of 7 vibrant colors and 3 unique pattern options. In the UK prices start from £299 (some $500 at today’s rate).

Entertainment Netbook Offers Go-Anywhere Fun for Everyone Great Battery Life Keeps People Online for Hours Optional High Definition Display, Surround Sound Enrich Media Experience ROUND ROCK, Texas, Dec. 21, 2009 – Dell’s hot-selling Inspiron Mini 10 netbook is getting better with a fresh new look and longer battery life to go along with technology enhancements and easy connectivity capabilities that make it a fashionable and functional must-have for on-the-go people. Updates to the Mini 10 include optional high
definition entertainment bundles that deliver rich, smooth playback of streaming HD video in addition to Web surfing, email, listening to music and sharing user-generated content in real time. Dell expects the redesigned Inspiron Mini 10 to be available the first part of January 2010.

The new design with 10.1-inch display includes a textured, smudge-resistant palm rest, sculpted keys and, for the Inspiron Mini 10 mobility bundle, extended-life battery offering up to 9.5 hours of operation. The Mini 10 can be personalized with a broad range of optional colors or hundreds of optional custom artwork designs available in the Dell Design Studio.

The Inspiron Mini 10 will be offered in the coming weeks in a selection of bundles with distinct features like an HD display, Broadcom Crystal HD media accelerator, surround sound capability, built in HDTV tuner for over-the-air local HD broadcasts, or built-in Wi-Fi location enabled GPS that provides people with real time information to nearby restaurants, landmarks, maps and entertainment.

Built-in wireless connectivity Connectivity: Where wireless access is available. Additional access charges apply in some locations. provides easy, quick access to the Internet and e-mail. Some models feature Bluetooth and Mobile Broadband communications Mobile Broadband: Subject to wireless provider’s broadband subscription and coverage
area; additional charges apply., too.


New Intel Atom N450 processor at 1.66 GHz 10.1-inch display with standard (1024×600) or High Definition (1366×768) display available in coming weeks Built-in speakers with available SRS Surround sound HDTV tuner and location-aware GPS configurations available in coming weeks Bundles with Broadcom Crystal HD for smooth HD playback coming in Q1 Built-in 802.11 b/g wireless with available Bluetooth and Mobile Broadband 1GB Memory: Significant system memory may be used to support graphics, depending on system memory size and other factors. DDR2 memory at 800MHz 160GB Hard Drive: GB means 1 billion bytes and TB equals 1 trillion bytes; actual capacity varies with preloaded material and operating environment and will be less. or 250GB hard disk drive storage Choice of 3 or 6-cell integrated battery with up to 9.5 hours of battery life (Inspiron Mini 10 mobility bundle only). Choice of Windows 7 Starter or Windows XP Home, Ubuntu operating system option available in the coming weeks Lightweight: Starting at about 2.75 – 3.1 pounds Starting at Weight: Weights vary depending on configuration and manufacturing variability. with a 3-cell battery Battery Life: Based on preliminary lab testing. Varies by configuration, operating conditions and other factors. Maximum battery capacity decreases with time and use. Battery life of 9 hours and 34 minutes for the Mini 10 Mobility bundle is achieved using Mobilemark2007 battery life testing benchmark with a system configuration that includes 60WHr 6 cell battery, Windows 7 Starter Operating system and 250GB Hard Drive.

The Dell Inspiron Mini 10 is expected to be available in early January from Dell and select configurations will be available in retail outlets worldwide in the coming weeks. Prices start at $299
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Inspiron الفئة الجديدة من حاسبات ديل
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